Saturday, March 19, 2011

I lost my wisdom!

Just went for a surgery to remove 2 wisdom teeth yesterday :( and im given 6 days of MC.. hopefully im well enough to go for class this coming Mon. I was advised not to talk if Im gg to attend classes.
Gdness... i'll never forget the surgical experience.. The local anesthesia (i was given 6 jabs) made my whole left jaw, gum, tongue, lips incapable of moving and feeling, the worst was that I was then asked to swallow 2 panadols and one other pill (Dexamethasone.. to reduce swelling).. wah and it felt as if I am suffering from stroke.. only the right side of the lip and cheek can move which made it doubly hard for me to swallow the pills or even speak! I can really emphatize with stroke patients now.

Anyway I was given 5-6 different pills to swallow 3 times a day. One antibiotic is so bitter and difficult to swallow because it melts immediately u put it in the mouth.. i wasted one of it today.. haha
and i seem to be suffering from an allergy from one of the drugs.. not sure which one.. my face is so red (wow natural make-up.. and super healthy look yea.. haha as if i ran 3km).. now my skin on the hands and legs are getting itchy and red.. AHH! am i gg to lose sleep again tonight?
